Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 44 and Day 45: The Sherlock Files #3: The Case That Time Forgot and The Sherlock Files #4: The Missing Heir by Tracy Barrett

Earlier in the summer I read the second book in this series so I decided to finish reading the rest of the Sherlock Files books that are out so far.
In The Case That Time Forgot. Xander and Xena’s classmate Karim asks the sibling detectives to help him solve a family mystery. Karim’s grandfather told him a story that had been passed down in his family about an Egyptian artifact that had been stolen from the British Museum by Karim’s great, great, great uncle. The artifact was the Thoth Clock, an ancient artifact recovered in one of the famous pyramids. But the clock wasn’t the most valuable item, hidden in the clock was the Thoth amulet. The amulet was made by Thoth, the god of time. The legend says that every fifty years the amulet can make all time stop. The fifty year mark is coming up and Karim needs help finding the artifact. Xena and Xander consult Sherlock Holmes’s unsolved case file and find the famous detective’s notes from the theft of the amulet. Soon they are on the hunt all around London to try and find the amulet but someone else is also on the hunt to find it. Does the Thoth amulet really stop time, will Xena and Xander find it in time and who else is looking for it?
In the fourth installment of the series, The Missing Heir Xena and Xander’s shy classmate Alice turns out to be royalty. On her thirteenth birthday she will be crowned the queen of Borogovia. Alice is not too happy about it, what she really wants to be is a famous singer on Brits Got Talent. Her guardian Aunt Penelope doesn’t think that is becoming of a royal. Xena and Xander find information about Alice’s great grandmother in Sherlock’s unsolved case file. Princess Sofia was kidnapped and as a child and mysteriously returned to her parents a week later. Sherlock Holmes suspected that there was more to the incident. When Alice goes missing a few days before her coronation, Xena and Xander also suspect that the two cases are linked. They set out to solve the mystery and save Alice.
Barrett continues the enjoyable mysteries of Xena and Xander Holmes in the latest installments. Kids who love mysteries will like this series. It has the right mix of mystery and adventure. What I also like about these books is that there are enough clues to solve the mystery on your own. I don’t like what I call Scooby-doo mysteries where the mystery is solved at the end with a piece of information that the reader was never given. Barrett provides enough clues to the readers to be able to solve the mystery along with the characters. I would recommend the series for third and fourth graders. 

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